• Introduction

        Webstores that use ROBIN need to place the ROBIN script on the site(s). This is done by placing a URL on all pages the website contains. The script that needs to be placed can be obtained in ROBIN by navigating to settings / contact tab. This script is of the form:

        <script src="https://selfservice.robinhq.com/external/robin/{apikey}.js" async="async"></script>

        Where {apikey} is replaced by the apikey of the subscription. When this script is placed, all pages a shopper visits shows a tab. All behavior (labels, content, color and position) of the tab can be configured in the ROBIN app . However, sometimes specific functionality is required on the page. When this is the case, the ROBIN javascript API can be used. Using the API it is possible to

        • Override the default behavior on a specific page
        • Perform specific logic on events
        • Retrieve information
        • Invoke methods

      • Override default behavior

        When the ROBIN script is loaded, it checks for the existence of a property named robin_settings on the current page. When such a property exists, its values are combined with the properties of the values that are configured in the ROBIN app. All properties that exist in the robin_settings object have a higher priority, hence the configured properties can be overruled. So, for instance it is possible to hide a tab on a specific page. The following recommended properties are supported:

        Possible values

        tab_theme, mobile_tab_theme

        The theme of the tab (on a mobile site)

        light, dark, grey, blue, red

        tab_style, mobile_tab_style

        The style of the tab (on a mobile site)

        single-tab, channel-tab, floating-tab

        tab_position, mobile_tab_position

        The position of the tab (on a mobile site)

        right, left, bottom-right, bottom-left

        hide_tab, mobile_hide_tab

        Indicates whether a tab should be hidden (on a mobile site). This is a separate property and not combined with position like the ROBIN app configuration. It is possible to have a hidden tab and let the position property specify where the dialog is positioned in case it is requested manually.

        true, false. The default value depends on configured position.


        Indicates whether the tab appears animated when appropriate.

        true (default), false


        Indicates whether pro active chat (PAC) dialogs appear animated when appropriate.

        true (default), false


        The number of seconds before the tab appears, only relevant when shown animated.

        an integer, default is 2.


        The number of seconds the animation of the tab lasts, only relevant when shown animated.

        an integer, default is 1.

      • Events

        When the ROBIN script is loaded, the init-method is called automatically. This script initializes the tab according to settings specified in the ROBIN app (and possibly overruled by specifying a robin_settings object). The init-method also invokes events when can be specified in the robin_settings object. Using these events, additional steps can be performed. An example of such a step is display information regarding online employees.

        Specifying an event handler is done by defining it in the robin_settings object as follows:

        var robin_settings = {
        	callback: function(event, data){
        		if (event == 'init'){
        			// specify initialization code here

        At this time init is the only supported event (containing no data), but additional events may be added in the future which makes it good practice to check for event-parameter before executing the code.

      • Retrieve information

        When the ROBIN script is loaded, or when the callback method is invoked, it is possible to access methods available on the ROBIN javascript API. Methods that retrieve information, are the following:

        Possible values
        Value description


        Returns a boolean indicating whether the a user is online on the current page (so a chat is possible)


        Returns an array of all users that are available on one of the webstores that are available in this subscriptions. This list does include users that are not assigned to the webstore that is assigned to the URL this request originates from, but does not include users that are not assigned to any webstore at all. Every user object has the following properties:


        The avatar that is uploaded in the ROBIN app





        The email address of this user


        The first name of this user


        The last name of this user


        The first name and last name of this user combined


        The function of this user


        The presence of this user (can be 'online', 'offline' or 'servicehours')


        The actual presence of this user, can be 'online' or 'offline' taking into account whether the current webstore is currently open.


        Returns an array containing all users that are assigned to the webstore the page the request originates from belongs to. The properties of every user object are the same as described above


        Returns a user that has the email address specified, or null when it does not exist.


        Returns a webstore object containing properties of the web store the page the request originates from. Such a webStore object has all properties that are assigned in the ROBIN app:














        Behavior can be changed to modify properties. There are a lot of properties to be changed, it is recommended to set a breakpoint and examine the webstore object that is retrieved and look for the property that needs to be changed. An example, using the following code it is possible to specify the shopper name and email address in case he is logged in, and making the conversation 'anonymous' (so the shopper does not have to enter his name).

        var robin_settings = {
        	callback: function(event, data) {
        		if (event == 'init'){
        			var name = 'naam';		// determine real name
        			var email = 'naam@domein.nl';	// determine real email
        			if (email != null && email != '') {
        				var ws = __robin.getWebStore();
        				ws.conversationTemplate.useAnonymousChat = true;
        				__robin.setShopper(email, name);
      • Invoke methods

        When a custom tab is required on a page, it is possible to create an HTML element instead of the ROBIN tab (make sure to hide the ROBIN tab using robin_settings.hide_tab = true). The click event on the HTML element needs to activate the ROBIN contact form. This and other things can be done by invoking methods on the ROBIN javascript API. The Supported methods are the following:



        Activates the ROBIN contact form using the specified channel ('contact_form', 'chat' or 'phone'). When channel is undefined, the channel is determined depending on the online status of the webstore.


        Hides the ROBIN contact form.

        setShopper(emailAddress, name)

        Identify a user on a page, when this method is invoked, ROBIN shows the name and email address specified in the contact form when it is shown. When anonymous chat is enabled, the name and email address are sent when a conversation is started, so the information becomes available to the agent that handles the conversation.


        Starts a chat conversation with a specific agent identified by emailAddress. When the agent is not online, an offline conversation is started with that agent (making the specific agent more important than the online status). This feature is known as personal routing.


        ROBIN uses session cookies that identify current channel, current agent, shopper data etc. Using the reset method, all session cookies are deleted, making it a fresh (first) visit to the page after a refresh.